Hey guys! We have come to the end of an another year! It was really nice to be with you. I would like to share my general comments about our course with you. 

  The design of teaching materials has taught us to take a set of decisions, make choices and explain the reasons for them. This practice granted us some autonomy, in terms of taking responsibility for decision-making, and also create opportunities and the necessity for reflection. The tasks given in the course were both linguistic, visual and auditory.

  It was hard to get used to some tools while doing tasks. I had not known much about those tools before I took this class. Since the instructions of the tasks were quite clear, I did not have much difficulty following the steps. 

  All the tasks I have completed for this class added a new wrinkle to the way I think how technology can be integrated into language teaching. Nearly all of the tasks were catchy and had visual richness. These features makes the tasks both entertaining and memorable. However, I liked "creating flipped grammar videos" the most, it was informative and important. There is no task that I did not enjoy.

   In Material Design in ELT class, more animation tasks can be given to enhance the visuals because visual intelligence is really outstanding in learning. The group studies were quite enjoyful. In this way, each student adopts their groupmates' creative ideas.

   Thanks to Material Design in ELT class, all of us get accustomed to new technologies and we are becoming more eager to learn new skills and discover fun activities.

Take care of yourself! Hope to see you again!
