Hey my dear followers! I am sorry to say that this is a late submisson. We were asked to prepare a movie poster before and I could barely share my poster with you :( Anyways, you see a side of me you've never seen before! I used my own drawing on the poster! I sketched it on the app named Sketchbook and then add some writings on it. I really want you to also check my other drawings so I
will add a few of them at the and of my post.
     As I remember, I must have been about fourteen when I read “The Picture of Dorian Gray” for the very first time and I was totally blown away by the book. There was this book, written in such a beautiful way, using such colourful and flowery language and there were those three amazing characters that made me feel and wonder and question their lives. This book is exquisite and really meaningful for me so that I decided to create a movie poster of it.
    I would definitely give this as a task to my future students because it increases creativity seriously.
    See you!


