Hey guys! It's me again! 

For this week, we were supposed to create a material by using AR. Through augmented reality (AR), we are able to improve learning outcomes through increased engagement and interactivity.  It also maximizes our students’ ability to spend their time learning curricular subjects while minimizing the time spent learning how to use the new tech.

My friend Gülenay and I were supposed to choose a city abroad and guide our students to explore it. We chose Prague for this task. I was curious about all life aspects in Prague so this task was also interesting for me. We want our students to see some part of the Prague via Augmented Reality. We use 360 videos for our students to watch and explore Prague. 

For our task, we use canva to create our materials. We add qr codes on our worksheet so that students can scan them and watch the videos we uploaded.

Love you all! Take care and stand by till our next post!
