Creating Flipped Grammar Videos

 Hello again! this week's task was to create a flipped grammar teaching video. My friend Gülenay and I (you can reach her blog by clicking on her name.) created a video and an activity to practice what we taught to our students. In this project, our audience was high school preparatory classroom students with an elemantary level of English.

  In traditional learning, lower level of learning such as remembering and understanding is happening in class, while students are usually left to work on activities that involve higher level of learning outside of classroom. However, in the flipped classroom model, learning is flipped. With this way, students are able to study the subject in any time and anywhere they want and the time in the classroom will be filled with more useful exercises.

  We used animaker to create the video. It is a totally new app for us so, we had hard times when we tried to create the video and had some trouble with voice recording because of our microphones.

See you on my next post! Bye for now!

Here you see our quiz about our topic: type clauses

Here you can see our flipped video:
